Friday, April 13, 2007


Today was quite pleasant, and although I was unable to complete some tasks still needing to be done from the day before, I was able to take the opportunity to visit with my relatives and visit an indoor garden.

I enjoyed the experience immensely and I am working on developing an indoor garden habitat which I will be able to hopefully incorporate in my spiritual practice of daily life.

The task seems to provide enjoyment and the plants I have selected should produce easily indoors. It will be my first attempt at herbs however but I am sure all will go as anticipated.

My anxiety was fine during the course of today...but I am finding that as evening rolls around I am having difficulty centering my thoughts on the task of relaxation.

To put it quite bluntly, I am wound up...I believe however that the schedule I have for tomorrow may have a bit to do with it however, for you see I have not yet decided what to wear that will be appropriate for the event.
I am attending a Pridefest sponsored breakfast held at the Milwaukee L.G.B.T. Center .

I am sure it will a non environmentally conscious event because the Center usually uses a plethora of paper plates and a ton of aluminium foil serving dishes.

I for one hate to eat on paper and I cannot stomach the use to Styrofoam or plastic cups unless of course my O.C.D. is on overdrive or I know for a fact that proper commercial dish washing equipment may not be available.

My only hope is that the use of the dreaded paper towel tablecloths is not an option because the only thing worse than that is the plastic table cloth ( plastic cannot be called a cloth like material yet the term still applies to my astonishment).

Anyway, I digress as I usually find myself tolerating such things (which often defy my thought process) as it is time for me to end this entry.

"When the stomach is full it makes no difference whether one is rich or poor." - Euripides inclusified
[ END ]

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