I had the opportunity to spend several hours with the two of them. Towards the end of the visit we sat and chatted about our lives and one of them mentioned that he apparently does not always appear to use discretion with prospective romantic partners.
This rather bothered me because my friend has a disability and the fact that he is apparently willing to practice less than safe behavioral choices with prospective mates, given all that we know about modern medicine made me feel awkward.
Safe behaviors are important and ethical responsibility is a responsibility not an option if you honor and respect the person you choose to be romantic with. Anyone engaging in risky behaviors should think twice and take to opportunity to change the choices they are making. There are many places to receive information and support. There is no better time like the present.
"To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." - Confucius
I also found out today that a relative was yelled at and criticised on a personal level. I felt bad because I felt like my relative didn't deserve to be spoken to in that way and so I take this opportunity to remind us all that we should exercise restraint when speaking to a fellow being because they have feelings and suffer hardships just as we all do.Everyone has the right to be treated as they wish to have others treat them.
" What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others." - Confucius
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