Monday, April 16, 2007


Today was difficult as my arthritis seems to be presenting itself as a challenge which I may not be able to do anything but live with.

I was lonely and thinking about my future most of the day...I think that had allot to do with the news events focusing so much on fatalism and the violence of the campus crisis.

Yesterday there was an odd occurrence in the neighborhood which also made me uneasy now that I have had an opportunity to look back and think of the bizarre was a driver seemed to be cruising the neighborhood. Thankfully the security services showed up and addressed the apparent problem.

I began this week correcting my Literary assignment and will do the same tomarrow in an effort to increase accuracy.

Members of my family are traveling tomorrow and that seems to be making me a bit uneasy but I have to remember that everything has been provided to promote the greatest sense of safety.

My pet had a physical today and everything went fine. I just have had an increased sense of anxiety throughout the day despite my efforts to relax.

"We gather strength from sadness and from pain Each time we die we learn to live again." - Unknown

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