Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Last night I went to bed and couldn't sleep well at all. I should say that it started the night before I had to take my panic medication because the person I live with had hit a boulder with the vehicle on the way out of a parking lot and so the result was that we had an unfortunate and rather lengthy disagreement.

My roommate is fine and there was no real damage to the car expect I have some things to work on with touch - up paint and no one was hurt. But in all retrospect someone very well could have been, which looking back is most likely the reason why I was so disagreeable.

The relative that I called was very helpful because I was rather stressed.

Anyway I digress, the Flare - up was very bad! It felt as if my skin was boiling off and for the first time ever I discovered that my coxix appears to have become arthritic. If I didn't know any better I would have thought that I broke it in my sleep it hurt so bad!

Needless to say, my arthritis had made me well aware of the fact that I was suffering from both it and Fibromyalgia.

I think I am depressed about some of the pain today and how I feel so old. I am working on a posting for a new pain management technique I am trying that is based in the writings of the late Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy.

I will also be sharing some new thoughts on my attempt at self acceptance...like I said before I believe there is much that depresses me and so this week is hard but I am mindful of my dog who makes me feel so in touch with the inner light of my Infinite Mind.

I think this is because my Dog views me as special only to her in a way that the world does not often give me a chance to provide insight. People in general can be so rude and I cherish the people whom I keep in touch with!

I have heard so many wonderful things from people who read my blog that it always manages to brighten me up. I do miss my friend Lynda from Illinois. I thought of her allot today because she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even though I never got a chance to get to know her well, she speaks so uplifting that I truly view her as a cherished friend. Perhaps more than she will ever come to realize.

"In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant. My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known -- no wonder, then, that I return the love." - Soren Kierkegaard


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